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  1. Friends of Brown's Lake Bog Nature Preserve

    The preserve is open the public year-round from dawn to dusk and has approximately one mile of ...

  2. 2017 Webinars- Profiles in Service

    Engaging the Public in Natural Resource Conservation Through the Virginia Master Naturalist Program ...

  3. Stress Management Check-in

    help to relieve stress and reenergize you. A Michigan State publication on managing farm stress lists ...

  4. Farmland Rental and Lease Considerations   I’ll draw from some of Peggy’s publications in making the following comments.   Consider ... signatures acknowledged and certified by a notary public or local official.  An enforceable lease requires ... information about farmland rental and lease agreements or about any of the publications mentioned in this ...

  5. What is Ohio State University Extension??

    anything from animals or computers to public speaking, cooking, art, gardening and environmental sciences, ... Volunteers answer gardening questions from the public; conduct plant clinics and gardening activities with ...

  6. Chadwick Plant Sale

    Fisher” public affairs radio program will broadcast live on Friday morning.  Admission both days is free, ... a discount on Chadwick Arboretum plants. Open to the Public:   Friday, May 6, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, ...

  7. Managing Mold in Hay

    However, a University of Nebraska publication by Dr. Bruce Anderson notes that certain types of mold which ...

  8. 4-H Grows True Leaders

    initiative, confidence, the ability to speak in public, run a meeting, balance a checkbook, and so much more ...

  9. Corn Stalks Offer A Low Cost Feed Option

    leaves followed by husks and finally cobs and stalks if necessary.  According to a publication from the ... yield.  For more information, the University of Nebraska Extension has a very good publication entitled ...

  10. Manure Spill Prevention

    A publication entitled “Emergency Action Planning for Livestock Operations” by Purdue and Michigan State ... the affected area, and 4) Comply with reporting requirements.  That publication, along with other ...
