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  1. David Black Sculpture

    public sculptures. Chadwick Arboretum is fortunate to have one of his sculptures in our Lane Avenue ...

  2. Fruit and Vegetables

    OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program Ohio Grape Web Publications Vegetable Fact Sheets Fruit Fact ...

  3. Extension Connections

    participating in the Franklin County 4-H Winter Fair. Sixty-seven 4-H members developed public speaking skills ...

  4. Workshop Wednesday- Designing Displays & Public Speaking


  5. GIS and Environmental Information Systems Links

    public-private partnership to coordinate and support geo-referenced date and services) Ohio DNR DSWR Earth ... more to private and public sectors to help make land use and management decisions) Ohio DNR GIS website ...

  6. November Newsletter

    pins for leadership, community service, public speaking, and other specialty awards. These teens are ...

  7. December Newsletter

    knowledge to teach the general public about the value of trees in the landscape. As an example of how this ...

  8. Agricultural Conservation Links

    Program  Grassland Reserve Program  Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program  Reports and ... sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, communities; publications, blog, numerous ...

  9. 4-H Publication Website Closed for 2 Weeks

    If you haven't bought your project books from our offices or through the website yet, you will need to do so before June 14!  The website and all ordering will be shut down for 2 weeks, so don't want until the last m ...

  10. Farms, Farmland, and Food System Links

    studies/success stories, info/publications, extensive links list) Sustainable Table (celebrates local sustainable ... plastic bag recycling) Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (focuses on concept that public health, ...
