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  1. Conference: Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate

    central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing local infrastructure and the public health ... on challenges facing professionals in transportation, water and energy utilities, and public health ...

  2. Conference: Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate

    central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing local infrastructure and the public health ... on challenges facing professionals in transportation, water and energy utilities, and public health ...

  3. Faces of Ohio 4-H- alumna presents at National 4-H FilmFest

    and public speaking. In 2015, I discovered an opportunity that would, quite literally, change my life ...

  4. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    skills and networking opportunities I gained through 4-H. From public speaking and leadership to learning ... the public relations industry and working at the Statehouse and with companies that are household ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Members Compete in National Livestock Judging Contests

    classes of livestock and their public speaking skills by delivering oral reasons. They also met 4-H peers ...

  6. Paint the Plow

    to include the 4-H clover!   This project not only provided great publicity for Ohio 4-H but also ...

  7. Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate

    Ohio communities. Free and open to the public, but registration (by May 14) is required; includes ...

  8. Public Speaking Training & Tips

    The Fashion and Nutrition Board is hosting a Public Speaking Training and Tips on Monday, June ...

  9. The Bourbon Barrel Connection: Revitalizing Appalachian Ohio economies and oak-dominated forests

    natural resource management and public outreach projects in Pennsylvania and Colorado. She is an active ...

  10. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    instilled in me self-confidence, strong leadership skills, public speaking skills, the value of teamwork, ...
