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  1. ACEL students participate in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    research by Ohio State undergraduates; and facilitates exchange between students, faculty and the public ...

  2. Performance Planning: Sample Goals

    presentation at two or more conferences. Have at least one journal article accepted for publication. Conduct at ...

  3. October Newsletter

    Class Orientation Meeting, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Grandview Heights Public Library October 13 – CARTEENS ...

  4. Ohio State agriscience education students celebrate National Teach Ag Day

    to high school students and the general public visiting the Gwynne Conservation Area. These students ...

  5. ACEL Alum Whittney Bowers takes new role with Ohio Farm Bureau

    in public relations and communications at Kent State University. In her new position, Bowers will ...

  6. Besancon to complete internship with FLM+

    internal and client meetings, public relations and overall project management. Besancon is also responsible ...

  7. Agricultural communication student elected to National FFA office

    education officials, state FFA leaders, the general public and more. The team will lead personal growth and ... public instruction in agriculture. The U.S. Department of Education provides leadership and helps set ...

  8. Extension Connections

    participating in the Franklin County 4-H Winter Fair. Sixty-seven 4-H members developed public speaking skills ...

  9. Bush to serve term as National ACT Officer

    Publication Council and National ACT. Attendees participated in sessions on partnerships, technology, risk ...

  10. Nicol to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    Foundation program manager and internship coordinator. “Her passion for educating the public about ...
