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From Natural Rubber to Medical Glove
An Ohio State University researcher and her team have created the first medical glove that can block radiation while meeting federal guidelines and not triggering allergic reactions. Check it out here. ...
Social Marketing
experience working as a public information specialist and social marketing consultant. In his work with the ... USEPA has a publication that covers many aspects of social marketing along with recommendations ...
Consumption Of Dairy Products
I was trying to get caught up on the stack of dairy management publications sitting on my desk and ...
East Central/Select Sires Internship Opportunity
communications intern is responsible for a variety of projects in public relations, written communications, print ...
Join 4-H in 2019!
public speaking, robotics, sewing, shooting sports, woodworking and so much more. In addition to the ...
Grazing Corn Residue
According to a South Dakota State University Extension publication entitled “Grazing Corn Stalks” a crude ... soluble nutrients are leached out. The University of Nebraska Extension has a very good publication ... According to the Extension beef specialists who authored this publication, there will be between ...
Dr. Danny Fox Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame
dairy cow/year. Dr. Fox’s research resulted in more than 330 publications, invited presentations at more ...
Outstanding Senior Award Applications
publicized via the link provided above. The deadline for submitting applications is January 22, 2018. The ...
American Dairy Association Mideast Communications Intern
design, photography and social media. Intern will also gain experience in industry and public relations, ...
Dandelions Ruin Your Front Yard but Could Be the Future of the Rubber Industry
Scientists have been tackling the vexing issue for decades, trying new tactics and engineering new equipment. Researchers have traveled to the high plains in Kazakhstan in pursuit. Companies and governments are spending heavily. Their mission: Grow more ...