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  1. Fireflies & Campfire with the UTBZ at the Wooster Memorial Park

    brought to you by Friends of Wooster Memorial Park ( and are open to the public ...

  2. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    Field Crops (joint publication from Ohio State and Michigan State) can all be referenced for specific ...

  3. Dr. Nicole Sintov

    bias, social influence Selected Publications (*denotes student I have mentored) Sintov, N., **White, ...

  4. Dr. Sayeed Mehmood

    resource-based economic development. Social and community forestry.   Selected Publications Shrestha, A. and S.R. ...

  5. Dr. Robyn Wilson

    management decisions on private and public lands. Dr. Wilson is very active as a leader on campus and in her ...

  6. Dr. Kristi Lekies

    Wisconsin-Stout B.A., Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison Selected Publications Fix, P., Larson, L.,  ... science: Public collaboration in environmental research  Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.  Lekies, ...

  7. Dr. Jeff S. Sharp

    (occasional offerings) PUBLICATIONS Schupp, Justin L., Rebecca L. Som Castellano, Jeff S. Sharp and Molly ...

  8. Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith

    (graduate) Research Methods (graduate) Research Design (graduate) Selected Publications Books National ...

  9. Dr. Jeremy Brooks

    relate to synergies and tradeoffs between well-being and sustainability?  Selected publications that ...

  10. Mary Gardiner

    Mary Gardiner PUBLICATIONS (first author: * graduate student, ~ postdoc, + undergraduate, ^ based ... Needs to achieve pollinator conservation in urban public greenspace. Frontiers in Ecology and the ... insects. The Gardiner Lab has published 72 peer-reviewed publications and been awarded $8.1M in grant ...
