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  1. Friends Membership Package- To Receivers

    more than 345+ public gardens and arboreta across the country!  Please find your membership card ...

  2. Homecoming 2023: Tailgate

    Friday, August 18.   After this date, our football tickets will be released to the general public ...

  3. Friends Membership Package- To Donors

    more than 345+ public gardens and arboreta across the country!  In an effort to go paperless, our ...

  4. Evaluate the 2023 Cultivar Trials!

    the general public feels about their newest cultivars in Central Ohio conditions. Ready to go? Open the evaluation ...

  5. The gift-giving season is upon us!

    the Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser, or received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, ...

  6. Multistate Outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections Linked to Frozen Organic Strawberries

    in an inflammation of the liver. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state public ...

  7. Ohio State University Employee Appreciation Tours

    Staff and Faculty Appreciation Tour Get to know your closest public garden and arboretum! This ...

  8. Onsite 4-H School and Afterschool Opportunities

    public speaking experience and knowledge of that topic area. School Enrichment Activities ChickQuest:  ...

  9. July 2023 CFAES Connect

    Celebrated 100 Years on July 2 Copy:  This facility is a university hub for leading science and public ...

  10. Food Safety Graduate Courses

    consumers. Demonstration of food safety system from cellular aspects though public policy. Prereq: Micrbiol ... to other environmental matrices and their public health impacts. Cross-listed in PubHlth 7360. While ... food safety. Students will learn the role of the public sector in ensuring food safety. Prereq: Grad ...
