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public rubber

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  1. Sustainable Agriculture

    the leadership skills and knowledge to pursue an entrepreneurial career in a wide range of public or ...

  2. A fair kid, through and through

    outgoing, developed public speaking skills, and learned the  importance of building and cultivating ...

  3. CFAES associate dean, faculty member, and grad student earn national engineering honors

    scholarly publications, including more than 50 on topics related to teaching and learning. “I am humbled by ...

  4. Jacqueline Wilkins, Ph.D.

    public relations, and business operations and as director, Operations, OSU Extension, where she provided ... leadership for the operationalization of the mission of Extension. Jackie also has experience in the public ...

  5. The Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex

    Laboratory. Waterman is in a unique position to serve as a hub for science and public engagement related to ...

  6. Rural childcare an important topic at Farm Science Review

    to conduct public research to inform public policy and meet the needs of America’s farmers and ...

  7. Farm Land Rent

    on the Lease Publications heading at the bottom of the page.   Additional Farmland Rental Resources ...

  8. Lending a hand

    public speaking skills, became more confident, and learned what it means to be a team player and follow ...

  9. Flying high with 4-H

    learned a great work ethic,” said Hullinger. “I had opportunities to exercise communication and public ...

  10. Innovative tech shows promise to boost rubber production in US

    disease and high demand posing threats to the world’s primary natural rubber supply in Southeast Asia, ... scientists are working to ramp up the U.S. rubber market by advancing methods to extract latex from two ... methods to improve efficiency and increase latex yield in two recent publications, building upon decades ...
