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  1. Columbus Urban Farm Tour: Scotts Community Garden Campus at Franklin Park Conservatory

    farming in central Ohio. The tour series is free and open to the public, and there is no advanced ...

  2. YuTube: Newly-minted Professor Yu ‘Gary’ Gao takes on new challenge – online video

    award-winning publication; he has established many successful programs over the years; and all the while he has ...

  3. 2018 Arbor Day Celebration of Trees at Chadwick Arboretum!

    The celebration included several honors, awards, and dedications. The 62-acre public arboretum, part ...

  4. OSU South Centers hosts one of 5 Hops Field Nights

    the public; that is why these events are so popular, they fill a major need.” A main ingredient in ...

  5. 4-H Walk and Serve

    non-profit organization. Club members educate the the public about the needs of their organization and how they are filling ...

  6. About Us

    maintenance of a public garden. Ohio State faculty provide input into the collections and plant material ...

  7. Chadwick Plant Sale and Auction

    Fisher” public affairs radio program will broadcast live on Friday morning.  Admission both days is free, ... a discount on Chadwick Arboretum plants. Open to the Public:   Friday, May 12, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. ...

  8. About Us

    decision-making by: Fostering objectivity in research and programming Interacting with the public and responding ...

  9. State Food Policy Summit May 27

    The State Food Policy Summit held by the John Glenn School of Public Affairs is being held ... This is event is free and open to the public. ...

  10. Dr. Hanping Wang honored by Fisheries Advance Magazine of China

    international platform for perch and bass research and development collaboration. This publication is a monthly ... publications. In order to speed up the advancement of the perch and bass aquaculture industry, establishing an ...
