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  1. Director of Public Relations & Consuming Marketing

    The position is responsible for implementing checkoff-funded marketing programs for the Ohio Beef Council (OBC) including the council’s digital marketing and influencer initiatives. This position implements tactics from the council’s marketing plan to inc ...

  2. College Aggies Online Scholarship Competition

    students or the public and include activities like holding an "Ag Day" on campus, teaching at ...

  3. Knapp and Weiss have "Featured Article" in Journal of Dairy Science

    white paper that was the foundation of this manuscript. See the full JDS reference in the Publications ...

  4. Dr. Francis Fluharty Retires After 35 Years of Service

    successful grants totaling over $7.3 million. He has authored over 200 scientific and Extension publications ...

  5. Cargill Global Scholars Program

    Science, International Relations, Political Science, and Public Policy The application deadline is March 1, ...

  6. Dinner with Veterinary Students

    students focused in a variety of areas of emphasis (small animal, large animal, public health, zoo, etc.) ...

  7. Bring the Farm to You 2017 Summer Intern

    centers, and public and private events through classes, demonstrations, hands-on programs, learning ...

  8. Lunch & Learn: Cover Crops in Your Garden

    Crops. The program is free and open to the public. As an added bonus to the program, with assistance from ...

  9. Around the Department

    smelled the smoke...they picked up recent publicity about the Barbecue Science class offered by the ...

  10. Extension Connections

    participating in the Franklin County 4-H Winter Fair. Sixty-seven 4-H members developed public speaking skills ...
