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  1. Understanding Genetically Modified Foods

    scientific literature, and other publicly available data.  What are the Benefits of GM Foods? GM crops are ... gap in the opinions of scientists compared to the general public about the safety of consuming GM ... s Funk, C., and L. Raine. 2015. Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society. Pew Research ...

  2. Saving Money with Coupons

    a public or private place such as an employee lunchroom, the library, a gym, or a church lobby. Blinkie ...

  3. Household Well Water Testing

    a safe, reliable water supply. Building owners served by a public water supply pay for water testing via ...

  4. Optimizing Field Traffic Patterns to Improve Machinery Efficiency: Path Planning Using Guidance Lines

    Equipment size Precision agriculture technology This publication presents a farm case study in which ... Precision Agriculture Series Timely Information publication, October 2010. Alabama Cooperative Extension ... 1-67, ASABE Publication Number 913C0109). Louisville, Kentucky, USA: American Society of Agricultural ...

  5. Soil Terminology and Definitions

    pollutants can harm field crops, public health, birds and other animals, and the environment, and cause ... Inc. ...

  6. Bumble Bees and Solitary Bees & Wasps in Urban Landscapes

    products have little to no residual action. This publication may contain pesticide recommendations that are ...

  7. Fundamentals of Energy Analysis for Crop Production Agriculture [2]    Liu Y, Høgh-Jensen H, Egelyng H, Langer V. Energy efficiency of organic pear production in ... engineering. ASAE Publications, St Joseph, MI. 1999. [6]    Mohammadi A, Rafiee S, Mohtasebi SS, Rafiee H. ... strategies for assessment. Sage Publications; 2005. [16]    Mousavi-Avval SH, Rafiee S, Jafari A, Mohammadi ...

  8. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Potatoes

    (website). Reviewed February 2019. ...

  9. Preschool: Reading Skills

    books to read with your child, be sure to visit the public library in your community. To find your local ...

  10. Kindergarten: Reading Skills

    For reading resources and free books to read with your child, be sure to visit the public library in ...
