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  1. Dr. McPheron's Role as University Provost Made Permanent

    Agriculture for the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.   I want to thank our university ...

  2. Agricultural Conservation Links

    Program  Grassland Reserve Program  Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program  Reports and ... sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, communities; publications, blog, numerous ...

  3. The National Ecological Observatory Network: Using Ecological Science to Better Understand Our World

    breakfast, is $10 for EPN members and the public and is free for Ohio State students. Details and a link to ...

  4. Joan Msuya: Following Your Smile

    the general public. As a researcher you need to present your results to different audiences, so ...

  5. Dr. Karen Mancl

    agricultural engineering. Click here to see a partial list of the numerous publications and presentations made ...

  6. ESS Templates & Brand Guidelines

    ESS Lab, including reports, publications, and presentations, should use the provided templates. ...

  7. ‘Special type of leader’: McPheron named Ohio State provost

    Agriculture for the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). As dean of CFAES, McPheron ...

  8. Two New OSU Ag Safety and Health Program Staff!

    a professional firefighter/officer for 37 years. His interests lie in public safety and specifically in keeping ...

  9. Wheat Field Day

    identification and management. The deadline to register for the event, which is free and open to the public, is ...

  10. EPN Breakfast Club

    breakfast, and is open to both members of the network and the public. The deadline to register is Feb. 22. ...
