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  1. State Food Policy Summit May 27

    The State Food Policy Summit held by the John Glenn School of Public Affairs is being held ... This is event is free and open to the public. ...

  2. Last Chance to Nominate an Alum for the 2017 CFAES Alumni Awards!

    purpose of the Meritorious Service Award is to give public recognition to non-alumni and/or alumni of the ... Award: The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who have brought distinction to ...

  3. About Us

    decision-making by: Fostering objectivity in research and programming Interacting with the public and responding ...

  4. Give-em a Pickle Customer Service- Online Workshop

    service to students, the public and even our co-workers. Our job is to serve our customers by giving them ...

  5. Dr. Hanping Wang honored by Fisheries Advance Magazine of China

    international platform for perch and bass research and development collaboration. This publication is a monthly ... publications. In order to speed up the advancement of the perch and bass aquaculture industry, establishing an ...

  6. Section III: User Fees for Extension Programs

    a user fee will depend upon: the purpose of the program in relation to the public/private good continuum ... for each participant, as a flat rate for a program, as an additional charge for publications, etc. ... Training, and OSU Learning Centers. Each of the units is using the public good/private good continuum to ...

  7. Germinate: Agricultural and Rural Community International Film Fest

    development topics importantto the public. While rural areas represent 97 percent of the United States’ land ...

  8. OSU Extension Signature Programs

    educating farmers, youth and the general public about the importance and management of soil health. ...

  9. Communiqué May 14, 2014

    coasters are 3.6” diameter x 1/8” hard-surface coaster material, plastic front and rubber-backed. The ...

  10. New Live Stream series on Soil Health

    streaming service. This monthly series aims to educate farmers, youth and the general public about the ...
