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  1. Livestock Building Rental Considerations

    Management Extension Committee publication “Rental Agreements for Farm Buildings and Livestock Facilities” ... Iowa State University publication entitled “Computing a Livestock Building Cash Rental Rate”, a value ...

  2. 2017 Ohio Botanical Symposium

    features a media show and displays from a number private and public conservation organizations, as well as ...

  3. From Natural Rubber to Medical Glove

    An Ohio State University researcher and her team have created the first medical glove that can block radiation while meeting federal guidelines and not triggering allergic reactions.  Check it out here. ...

  4. Consumption Of Dairy Products

    I was trying to get caught up on the stack of dairy management publications sitting on my desk and ...

  5. Join 4-H in 2019!

    public speaking, robotics, sewing, shooting sports, woodworking and so much more. In addition to the ...

  6. Grazing Corn Residue

    According to a South Dakota State University Extension publication entitled “Grazing Corn Stalks” a crude ... soluble nutrients are leached out.  The University of Nebraska Extension has a very good publication ...  According to the Extension beef specialists who authored this publication, there will be between ...

  7. Public Speaking Illustrated Talk/ Demonstrations, Cloverbud Recitals


  8. Lady Landowners: Leaving a Legacy Series

    format of this publication, visit   ...

  9. USDA seeks comments on regulatory reform

    “ideas from the public on how we can provide better customer service and remove unintended barriers to ... replace or modify regulations that create unnecessary burdens. Specifically, the USDA invites the public ...

  10. Produce auctions for the direct buying and selling of produce

    primary risk in using a produce auction is the price uncertainty,” it says. The Kentucky publication ...
