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Search results

  1. OSU Extension, Franklin County welcomes new FCS Educator

    Consumer Sciences Educator. With a background in public health nutrition, Jenny has spent the last several ...

  2. Ask A Master Gardener Booth at Chadwick Arboretum Spring Plant Sale & Auction

    7 from 5:30p.m- 8:30p.m. Memberships are available at the door if you do not have one. Open to the Public ...

  3. 2016 MGV Training information class

    sessions in order to apply for the class. October 12, 2015 6:30pm-7:30pm, Grandview Heights Public Library, ...

  4. 2016 Columbus Urban Farm Tour is here!

    farming in central Ohio. The tour series is free and open to the public, and there is no advanced ...

  5. Using Warm Season Cover Crops

    public. Parking is available at McKinley Field, at Wallace Community Garden and on street on Goodale ...

  6. Rubber Industry's Auto Suppliers Find Inspiration in Unlikely Places

    Sometime in the mid-1990s, when Katrina Cornish saw a load of freshly picked tomatoes in a hopper being transported from a farm on the back of a truck.  She didn't view that load of tomatoes as most people would. She wondered instead about the tomato ...

  7. LGBTQ

    a publication by GLSEN The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network Campus Pride Gay Fathers and Husbands ...

  8. Chadwick Plant Sale

    Fisher” public affairs radio program will broadcast live on Friday morning.  Admission both days is free, ... a discount on Chadwick Arboretum plants. Open to the Public:   Friday, May 6, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, ...

  9. COVID-19 and the APIDA Community (open to all members of the OSU community and the public)

    In the months since COVID-19 has been circulating, Asian-Americans and Asians around the world have experienced heightened levels of verbal and physical aggression. Websites, multiple media outlets and an overwhelming amount of social media has contribute ...

  10. Community Meeting for New Master Gardener Volunteer Applicants

    Specialty Gardens Public Gardens (Franklin Park Conservatory, Park of Roses, Whetstone, Topiars) Home and ...
