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Search results

  1. Ohio Cattlemen's Association Full-Time Position

    publication layout and design skills including a high proficiency with Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. ...

  2. Edible Landscaping

    There will be a class on Edible Landscaping held at Grandview Heights Public Library on Tuesday ... yard! The class is free and open to the public.  ...

  3. Farm Educator Internship

    work directly with the public, teaching summer programs. Their main summer programs are their Farm ... will arrive on location, help with set-up, interact with and teach the public, and assist with ...

  4. Agricultural communication students successful at national critique and contest

    Kolt Buchenroth, “Calf on a Hill,” second place Publication Division: Brochure/Pamphlet: Marlee ... “ACT’s Fall Alumni Newsletter,” first place  Publication Award of Excellence:  Marlee Stollar, ...

  5. Tis The Season for Soil Testing

    service. There are many public and private labs that do test soil. Here is a link to a FactSheet that is ...

  6. Ohio State student presents at national CABLE spring conference

    their research to the general public.” In addition to the research project, Wilson also received ...

  7. Container Gardening Workshop

    workshops at Howard Recreation Center.  The workshops are free and open to the public. February 20: Garden ...

  8. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Workshop

    workshops at Howard Recreation Center.  The workshops are free and open to the public. February 20: Garden ...

  9. Seed Starting Summer Vegetables Workshop

    workshops at Howard Recreation Center.  The workshops are free and open to the public. February 20: Garden ...

  10. Whittington selected as president-elect of NACTA professional society

    postsecondary level. Members of NACTA are from two-year and four-year colleges, both public and private.  ...
