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  1. International Society of Arboriculture Honors Dan Herms

    the publication of timely information in the field of arboriculture. ISA President Terrence Flanagan ... of research and writing numerous publications to guide arborists, fellow scientists, and students in ... (1:03): Details on Dan Herms and his recent award. Herms has written more than 200 publications, including ...

  2. OSU Extension Factsheets This publication summarizes the key aspects of the application, installation and maintenance of ... This publication provides general background on economic considerations associated with installing ... Management Practices Available here: This publication provides an ...

  3. Friends of the Ravines

    Our goal is to educate and involve the public in conservation efforts to restore and preserve these ... distribute our official publication, Ravinia, twice a year- Lobby city council and public officials to ...

  4. Frederick Meijer Garden Bus Tour

    Gardens and Sculpture Park with Huron County Master Gardeners...public welcome so bring a guest.  We leave ...

  5. Rocky River Watershed Council

    reduce nutrient loadings to meet TMDL loading reduction targrets. increase public awareness and ... public. 04110001 04110001060 04110001070 ...

  6. News: Annual Garden Open House is Aug. 7 and 8

    MacDowell Music Club). The event is free and open to the public. Extensive free parking is located on ...

  7. ACEL students participate in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    research by Ohio State undergraduates; and facilitates exchange between students, faculty and the public ...

  8. Chow Line: “Raw” Water Trend Can Make You Sick

    effective water treatment and regulations, which can protect public drinking water supplies in the United ...

  9. News: Faculty, staff honored for service, scholarship, teaching and advising

    Frances Whited, public relations 20 Years- Connie Miller, horticulture 25 Years- Kim Sayers, business ...

  10. Friends of the Lower Olentangy River Watershed (FLOW)

    Statement: FLOW is dedicated to increasing public awareness of the extensive recreational, cultural, ...
