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  1. Device Ready: Managing Your On-line Presence

    publication date pending 2013 Pilot Project Report Poster from Galaxy, the 2013 National Extension Conference ...

  2. Welcome Jordan Maxwell- New ABC-2 Coordinator

    progress reports, publications, and news articles. ABC-2 is funded through the United States Department of ...

  3. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    available,” she said. “There is a thirst for information from the public; that is why these events are so ...

  4. Watch Cardinal Peter Turkson discuss Global Sustainability with President Drake and Dean McPheron

    Thomas More Newman Center, Glenn College of Public Affairs, Mershon Center for International Security ...

  5. Philosophy on Partnerships

    Follow-through, Ability to work with other organizations, Willingness to share success and publicity, Managing ... education, business, public and social service. It represents that aspect of teaching that enables learning ... community, and that aspect of service that directly benefits the public. How does Extension’s role in the ...

  6. Duty Area A:

    (e.g., loans, member-ships, grants) 8 Conduct outreach activities (e.g., displays, public speaking ...

  7. Blender Bike 2017

    From 2014 through the 2016-2017 school year, Pickett Academy, a Toledo Public Schools as Community ...

  8. Two aquaculture books completed in 2017

    conservationists to control invasive species using sex control approach. This publication will provide useful ...

  9. Bergefurd receives Distinguished Service Award from The National Association of County Agricultural Agents 2015

    publications, and teaches on plasticulture strawberry, vegetable crop and hops production, produce auction ...

  10. Mandela Washington Fellowship Reciprocal Visit to Ghana

    following areas: Business and Entrepreneurship, Civic Leadership, Public Management, and Energy. Programs ...
