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  1. That Compost Contains What?

    treatment plants. The corn patch is the public installment of a research collaboration led by  Nick Kawa, ...

  2. Alumni in the news

    Kelly Henderson  BS Landscape Horticulture 2011-  Public service? Officials consider adding farmers to ...

  3. Campaign Receives a Homecoming Kickoff

    fundraising and volunteerism, kicked off to the public during Homecoming last week, with a goal of raising ...

  4. Aggregating Produce, Sharing Profits- Mansfield, Ohio

    OSU Mansfield invites the public to a workshop focused on moving the urban food production ... workshop will be held in Ovalwood Hall at Ohio State Mansfield on June 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The public ...

  5. Ribbon-Cutting Commemorates a New Anchor for Waterman

    lab, and a rooftop garden, at the private reception Nov. 15. A public celebration is planned for the ...

  6. #LeanOnYourLandGrant in a Crisis

    best of friends in 2019.  This-- coupled with recent public policy issues-- has compounded struggles ...

  7. Environmental Professionals Network Signature Event: Women In Conservation- Columbus, Ohio

    eastern-most doors to the Grand Ballroom. Open to the public, no registration required.  7:00 ... p.m. --- Signature Event Program Begins. Open to public, no registration required.   A conversation with Frances ...

  8. Kristina M. Johnson named 16th president of The Ohio State University

    chancellor, Johnson led a system of 64 public colleges and universities—including five academic health centers ...

  9. Alumni in the news

    Sciences 1999- New Richland Public Health commissioner faces tough task in COVID-19 Holly Jennings BS ...

  10. Educational Forum: Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate- Columbus, Ohio

    central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing local infrastructure and the public health ... on challenges facing professionals in transportation, water and energy utilities, and public health ...
