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  1. Methods of Teaching in Agriscience Education

    agriscience instruction in public schools. Students will demonstrate competence in agricultural literacy ...

  2. Advanced Agricultural Communication Technology

    computer-based electronic production when preparing informational and educational messages for public and student ...

  3. Degree Options

    a communication campaign, an online website, an educational video, a magazine/publication, a multimedia package, ... survey, a communication campaign, an online website, an educational video, a magazine/publication ...

  4. A Discussion About Food Science and Social Media Communication w/ Brittany Towers- The Black Food Scientist

    food science and cooking to the awareness of the general public, visually supports the reality of that ... opportunities for you to be a part of whether you're a veterinary medicine student, a public affairs ...

  5. ACEL students receive national project awards

    with her entry “Game Faces On.” Other categories in the competition include writing, publication ... , electronic media and public relations.  The chapter had not recently participated in the national contest, ...

  6. Rodriguez recipient of USDA best early-career teacher honors

    Sciences “Early Career” Award at the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) annual ...

  7. Nicole Arnold

    Nutrition Science at East Carolina University, while also supporting ECU's Department of Public Health. ...

  8. Publication: Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Lactococcus lactis Strains against Salmonella Typhimurium DT12, Escherichia coli O157:H7 VT and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Raw and Pasteurized Camel Milk

    A summary of the publication on Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Lactococcus lactis Strains against ...

  9. Okuley selected for scholarship, attends annual Ag Media Summit

    through the Livestock Publications Council (LPC) Student Award Program as a finalist for the Forrest ...

  10. Food is Health: My Path to Nutrition and Public Health

    By: Samantha Cochrane Food has always been a major part of my life. Like many people, some of my first memories involve the foods I was eating in those moments. From enjoying piles of oven-baked dinosaur chicken nuggets and tater tots at home, to spending ...
