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  1. Landscaping for Birds

    this series of classes being held at the Pickerington Public Library, Sycamore Branch and the Fairfield ...

  2. From the Ground Up: Takng Care of Your Soil So It Takes Care of You

    this series of classes being held at the Pickerington Public Library, Sycamore Branch and the Fairfield ...

  3. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    a mixture of public services, community supports, employment preparation, and training that can position the ... employs a multi-faceted approach, where residents, education stakeholders and public and private partners ... stakeholders. This includes residents, public and private agencies, and community-based organizations working in ...

  4. Choosing a Laboratory for Nutrient and Soil Health Testing

    customer service. Save yourself trouble by finding out for sure. Disclaimers: Inclusion in this publication ...

  5. Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems

    rubber bladders placed under the throat with straps (figure 3). Each bladder contains Compound 1080 ...

  6. Award Winning Faculty and Staff

    Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) National Teaching and Student Engagement Award Mary ...

  7. Staphylococcus aureus: A Problem When Food Is Left Out Too Long

    Public Health Consequences The exact number of Staph aureus cases that occur each year is hard to ...

  8. Safe Operation of Utility Type Vehicles (UTVs)

    for public roads/highways No No Operation age 16 years old Varies upon model Seating Non-straddle seat ...

  9. Wheat’s Early, are Oats a Doublecrop ‘Forage’ Option?

    Perhaps even better, as detailed in the past in this publication, chopped forages are 30 to 60% more ...

  10. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    AGR-1: Drs. Edwin Ritchey and Josh McGrath, University of Kentucky College ... Editor Laura Lindsey. Wheat, Table 6-5  Other small grains, Table 6-12 Forage Production ... the following for their time and encouragement while reviewing this publication: Greg LaBarge, ...
