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  1. Changes Coming…

    Use this form to submit news, events, publications, etc. for posting on the website. Submissions can ... left of your profile, under the left menu. Soon to come, new publications will also be listed there. ...

  2. Government Shutdown Aside, Sequester Cuts Potentially Devastating

    Partridge co-authored an article detailing these concerns in Choices magazine, a publication of the ... public servants use the data to project local needs for water, highways, energy and other infrastructure, ... are underserved, or to identify other problems such as fraud. Having such data publicly available has ...

  3. Sheldon Wins Quality of Communication Award at the 2012 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting

    and GianCarlo Moschini from Iowa State University were awarded for their work on the publication ... Genetically Modified Food and Global Welfare, which the three co-edited. The 2011 publication is Volume 10 in ... diffusion, the function of public research, the importance of private R&D investments, the role of ...

  4. Pairis-Garcia Earns AFRI Grant

    in fact, there has been much public scrutiny on the methods, performance and decision-making process ...

  5. Reducing the Cost of Remoteness: The Effects of Community Health Workers Programs on Maternal and Children’s Health in Madagascar

    This seminar is sponsored by the AEDE Graduate Student Association and is open to the public. No RSVP ...

  6. Tweeten Policy Lecture

    open to the public. RSVPs are not required. ...

  7. Columbus Urban Farm Tour: Clarfield Farm

    farming in central Ohio. The tour series is free and open to the public, and there is no advanced ...

  8. Development Impact Fees: A Primer

    The use of development impact fees to finance public facilities that are necessary to service new ... practice and widespread use of the DIF are asymmetric. Even though DIF are widely accepted, many public ... officials, developers and the general public do not yet understand the need for DIF and their effect on the ...

  9. Animal Welfare and Behavior Club

    animal welfare to the students at Ohio State University and the public through use of guest speakers, ...

  10. Ambiguity, Learning Opportunities, and Risk-Neutral Regulation

    risky contexts: for example, investment of public funds, regulation of risky innovations, and design of ... but also as metaphors for a broader class of public risks. The event is open to the Ohio State ...
