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  1. Katchova, Partridge and Sheldon Recognized by University as Endowed Chairs

    and the public. The C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy was established in 1995 and was ... a broad-based program focused on research and outreach in the area of international trade and public policy. ...

  2. Philosophy on Partnerships

    Follow-through, Ability to work with other organizations, Willingness to share success and publicity, Managing ... education, business, public and social service. It represents that aspect of teaching that enables learning ... community, and that aspect of service that directly benefits the public. How does Extension’s role in the ...

  3. Dr. Mauricio Ramírez, 2006 AEDE Alumnus, Recognized for His Research in His Home Country of Mexico

    the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Guadalajara for his publications: “ Patterns of Consumption in Mexico, ... a book chapter for the forthcoming publication La Evaluación de las Políticas Educativas mediante ...

  4. Maintaining Monarchs: Mandates, Management or Money?

    "Maintaining Monarchs: Mandates, Management or Money?" This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not ...

  5. Computational Methods for Macroeconomic Analysis Presentation at the Central Bank of Costa Rica

    and microfinance and insurance in developing countries. This event is closed to the public.     ...

  6. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2016

    reported in this publication are based on a statewide survey of 365 farmers, custom operators, farm ...

  7. Belief Formation of Returns to Schooling

    titled "Belief Formation of Returns to Schooling." This event is open to the public and no RSVP is required. ...

  8. Havlicek Memorial Lecture- Sofia Berto Villas-Boas

    Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210.  This event is open to the public. RSVPs are not required. For those who ...

  9. Using Degree Days to Measure the Impact of Climate Change on U.S. Agriculture

    Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology: "Using Degree Days to Measure the Impact of ...

  10. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2014

    The custom rates reported in this publication are based on a statewide survey of 256 farmers, ...
