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  1. Global Climate Change and Gardening

    Coshocton County OSU Extension Office and is free and open to the public. For more information, email Tammi ...

  2. ODA Private Pesticide Applicator Test

    or apply to publicly-accessible sites. Private Applicator Tests include Core and the following ...

  3. Tail Docking of Dairy Cattle: Is it beneficial or a welfare issue?

    using a rubber ring, no positive benefits to the cows have been identified, and potential long-term ...

  4. Ohio State’s Rattan Lal Receives International Agriculture Award

    United States, for example, is represented in GCHERA by the Association of Public and Land-grant ...

  5. Ohio State ATI Scored 97/100 by Brookings Institution

    alumni. Among 1,507 two-year colleges, Ohio State ATI scores 97/100, the highest of any two-year public ...

  6. Faculty, staff honored at annual event

    services, and Frances Whited, public relations 20 Years- Connie Miller, horticulture 25 Years- Kim Sayers, ...

  7. Don't Forget Quality Assurance While Preparing for Summer Fairs and Shows

    cause discomfort for the cow, increases the risk of mastitis, and displays a poor image for the public ... forth a good view for the public. 3. Have an educational exhibit. Sometimes a county or state fair is ... are great tools to educate the general public. The display does not have to be elaborate and should be ...

  8. Events Calendar

    Center ALS neurologist, Adam Quick, MD, and recently retired Columbus Public Health Commisioner Teresa ...

  9. Environmental film series

    Admission is free and open to the public. Each film will be one hour long. A discussion session with the ... “Earth: A New Wild,” M. Sanjayan, to Ohio State’s campus on Feb. 11, 2016, for a free public evening ...

  10. PetPALS SPP #5

    about politely in pedestrian traffic and is under control with the animal in public places. A crowd is ...
