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  1. Chloroplast genome resources and molecular markers differentiate rubber dandelion species from weedy relatives


  2. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row

    successive years. At this time, CDC considers the risk to the general public from these H7 viruses to be low ...

  3. Godwill Mih Chewachong

    Ministry of Higher Education (MINESUP)/Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reforms (MINFOPRA) ... North Central Division Annual Meeting. Publications Ambang, Z, Bekolo, N, and Chewachong, GM. 2009. ...

  4. MFC Group

    energy, the environment, and engineering education. Her publications focus on microbial fuel cells, ...

  5. 2012 Video Awards

    Phytopathology News, August-September 2012 This year, the Office of Public Relations and Outreach ...

  6. Software Evaluations

    elements of our metabolomics pipeline, we evaluated many public and several commercial programs for their ... in Java, is a public platform that provides a very thorough extraction of peaks within chromatograms ... algorithms used..  2.    MeVp   MeVp, written in Java, has many of the features of Array Star in a public ...

  7. Junyan Lin

    host and non-host systems. OARDC annual research conference, Wooster, OH. Publications Junyan Lin, ...

  8. Lab News

    superior quality in educational materials and programs in the category of Publications, less than 16 pages. ...

  9. Patrick Sherwood

    2010-current Publications Sherwood P. and Bonello P.  2013. Austrian pine phenolics are likely contributors to ...

  10. Introduction and Flow Chart

    public and commercial software packages, but we found no overall package that included all componenets ...
