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  1. Friends Membership Package- To Donors

    more than 345+ public gardens and arboreta across the country!  In an effort to go paperless, our ...

  2. Rivers and Parks + Imagination + Design: How to utilize Ohio's rivers to stimulate and enhance community and economic development

    Strategy – both major public/private initiatives to prepare for Central Ohio’s significant growth and ...

  3. Summer Program in Population Health

    The Summer Program in Population Health courses are focused on engaging those who work in public ... including Environmental Epidemiology: A Brief Introduction for Public Health Professionals and Graphical and ... students can take advantage of a $200 student rate! Monday, June 26, 2023- 8:30pm College of Public Health ...

  4. Dr. Logan Minter

    sustainable agriculture, public health entomology, and biostatistics. I have taught undergraduate courses ...

  5. Evaluate the 2023 Cultivar Trials!

    the general public feels about their newest cultivars in Central Ohio conditions. Ready to go? Open the evaluation ...

  6. The gift-giving season is upon us!

    the Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser, or received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, ...

  7. Director of Equity in Conservation

    been historically excluded or marginalized. They develop key partnerships with public & private ...

  8. Ohio State University Employee Appreciation Tours

    Staff and Faculty Appreciation Tour Get to know your closest public garden and arboretum! This ...

  9. Onsite 4-H School and Afterschool Opportunities

    public speaking experience and knowledge of that topic area. School Enrichment Activities ChickQuest:  ...

  10. Research

    genes work, resulted in publication of a book “ Epigenetics in Aquaculture. ” with Wiley. Selective ... publications. In addition, a project on the evaluation of hatchery stocks and wild populations of largemouth bass ...
