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  1. Little Miami Conservancy

    wildlife habitat, quiet public enjoyment, and as a source of clean drinking water. While the Little Miami ...

  2. OSU Extension Factsheets

    purpose of this publication is to help you gain a better understanding of how communities are organizing ... This publication summarizes the steps involved in developing a watershed action plan. Costs of ...

  3. Cuyahoga Area of Concern

    businesses, governments and public representatives interested in promoting the removal of the Area of Concern ...

  4. Beaver Creek Wetlands Association

    partnerships, community networks, and public education.  BCWA supports the retention of wetlands within the ...

  5. Upper Cuyahoga River Watershed Task Force

    demonstration projects, acquire and administer grants, and promote public awareness of the river. The Task Force ...

  6. Maumee RAP

    October 1, 1987, when the first public meeting was held by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ... investigations in the AOC. The plan underwent public review in November 2005 and a draft was submitted to Ohio ...

  7. Big Creek Connects

    Creek. Big Creek Connects is engaged in numerous educational and outreach efforts through public ...

  8. Walnut Action Group

    05060001-170.0 The purpose of the Walnut Action Group is to generate public awareness and participation to ...

  9. Sunday Creek Watershed Group

    monthly public meetings, annual dinners, hikes, canoe trips, and other activities. The Sunday Creek ...

  10. Conservation Easements

    A conservation easement is a legal agreement between a landowner and public or private entity, ... a legal agreement between a landowner and a public or private entity, but rather than focusing on ...
