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  1. Roger A. Williams

    Presentation Data Mitigating biodiversity concerns in eucalyptus plantations located in south China Publication ... activity Publication type: Journal article Our Author(s): Stanley D. Gehrt, Roger A. Williams Silvis, ...

  2. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    activity and public sightings, which often raises alarm. Preventing Conflicts with Coyotes: Individual ... associations, and/or local wildlife or public safety-related organizations. Below are common components of ... community-level programs. Education Programs Management programs should begin with public education and should ...

  3. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    mesh screening, and seal the screening over the top of the containers with rubber bands. Alternatively, ...

  4. Anne Mary Baird

    professionals and volunteers” funded by the Ohio State Energy Partners (OSEP) funding.  PUBLICATIONS Ohio ...

  5. Bed Bugs

    bed bugs, and they are considered a public health pest by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ... are considered by the EPA, the CDC, and the USDA to be a public health pest, it should be noted there ...

  6. SENR Announcements, July 15

    Publications Add paragraph:  Copy:  Arunrat N, Sansupa C, Sereenonchai S, Hatano R, Lal R.  Fire-Induced ...

  7. Alia Dietsch

    contexts. A few example research questions I have investigated include: how does human thought affect public ... values, attitudes) and behavior Nature-based (outdoor) recreation Noncompliance Equity and justice Public ... Resources ENR 3600 – Recreation Management on Public Lands ENR 6510 – Research Design for Environmental ...

  8. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    Publications, Decorah, Iowa. Phone: (319) 382-5990. Food Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture Insects and Pests ...

  9. Awards & Opportunities

    excellence in projects, leadership, citizenship, public speaking, and overall participation in 4-H learning ... current year. 2. Applicants must meet the requirements for the Community Service, Public Speaking, and ...

  10. College Savings Options

    eligible colleges and universities; up to $10,000 in tuition expenses at private, public, and religious ... Parents, grandparents, and others to prepay tuition at today’s tuition rates at eligible public and private ... of the publication to ensure you are receiving the most up-to-date information. Compare Savings ...
