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  1. Belury Elected ASN President

    Belury’s research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed publications, and she also interprets ... membership and partnerships while ensuring public trust in nutrition science. Her priorities include ... Plans also include working with ASN members to provide educational tools for the public in order to ...

  2. January 2023 Department Highlights

    State’s Knowledge Exchange reported on a publication about what compounds make whole wheat loaves taste ...

  3. December 2022 Department Highlights

    public. Formal recognition will take place from the College in March. The department hosted their annual ... Science and Technology Building room 118 each week and are open to the public. Upcoming Events January ...

  4. November 2022 Department Highlights

    Student Engagement Award by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). This award ... room 118 each week and are open to the public. Upcoming Events December 7                             ...

  5. Interim Chair Named for Food Science and Technology

    Medicine and in Environmental Health Science in the College of Public Health. This coming year, she will be ...

  6. A Discussion About Food Science and Social Media Communication w/ Brittany Towers- The Black Food Scientist

    food science and cooking to the awareness of the general public, visually supports the reality of that ... opportunities for you to be a part of whether you're a veterinary medicine student, a public affairs ...

  7. David Brown receives CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award

    FallFest Homecoming celebration. The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who have ...

  8. Policies

    the library computer lab), and 3 iMac computers available for public use. The computers have no time ...

  9. September 2022 Department Highlights

    lobby of the Department. The seminar is open to the public. Dr. Jaykus is a William Neal Reynolds ... open to the public. Upcoming Events October 5                   FST Seminar Series Dr. Edisson Tello ...

  10. Publication: Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Lactococcus lactis Strains against Salmonella Typhimurium DT12, Escherichia coli O157:H7 VT and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Raw and Pasteurized Camel Milk

    A summary of the publication on Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Lactococcus lactis Strains against ...
