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  1. 2021-2022 Hort Happy Hour and Lunch & Learn Webinar Series

    popular gardening magazines as well as trade publications.  Recording Handout Wednesday, March 9 12- 1 PM ...

  2. Sheryl Barringer honored as Food Systems Leadership Institute Fellow

    Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).  The Fellows were recognized for their ... change from their current positions.   The FSLI is a program of the Association of Public and Land Grant ...

  3. December 2020 Highlights

    significant impact on their fields, students, CFAES, and University, and/or the public. It is essential that ... the virtual annual meeting of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).  The ... Ohio State John Glenn College of Public Affairs 4:10 – 5:10 pm Zoom Link* February 8-11 ...

  4. October 2016 Highlights

    molecular weigh natural rubber food trays  and (2) New Effect of microwave heating on water dynamics in ...

  5. Dr. Brian Waters Earns NACTA Educator Award

    include Chocolate Science, Wine and Beer in the Western Culture, Kitchen Science, Food Safety and Public ... postsecondary level. Members of NACTA are from two-year and four-year colleges, public and private. ...

  6. 2020 State MGV Program

    with the suburban Foodscape movement and her work with public schools, Brie is a celebrated speaker and ... publications centered on wildlife ecology and biology, habitat management for wildlife, and managing nuisance ... beer! BIO Known for her leadership with the suburban Foodscape movement and her work with public ...

  7. CFAES food safety center to research food safety in Kenya

    CFI brought its 14-year record of protecting public health to CFAES in September 2019. The center, ... system that prevents foodborne illnesses and protects public health by translating science into policy ...

  8. Work in the Time of COVID: Creatively Fighting Coronavirus

    bottle, which increased the effectiveness. Cloth mask wearing not only protects the public, but it also ... saves valuable PPE resources. “Once the general public is not competing with the healthcare ... directly communicated with a long list of public media and social chat groups with broad coverage from the ...

  9. Students inducted into Phi Tau Sigma

    branches, To stimulate the exchange of scientific knowledge through meetings, lectures, and publications, To ...

  10. Lunch & Learn and Happy Hour Webinar Series

    writer for popular gardening magazines as well as trade publications.  Handout Recording Thursday, March ... presentations annually and has authored over 65 publications on vermicomposting and composting. Her latest book ...
