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Coming soon: Co-op Mastery, an online training from The Ohio Cooperative Development Center
feedback from users to better serve their needs. The course will be housed in the public access version of ...
Cargill Global Scholars Program
Science, International Relations, Political Science, and Public Policy The application deadline is March 1, ...
Bring the Farm to You 2017 Summer Intern
centers, and public and private events through classes, demonstrations, hands-on programs, learning ...
Events Calendar
current research and creative activities. Lectures are free and open to the public. This lecture will ...
Dinner with Veterinary Students
students focused in a variety of areas of emphasis (small animal, large animal, public health, zoo, etc.) ...
Extension Connections
participating in the Franklin County 4-H Winter Fair. Sixty-seven 4-H members developed public speaking skills ...
West named director of food systems and industry relations
partnerships with the public and private sectors. More specifically, we believe that there is great opportunity ...
Public Speaking Contest
Public Speaking Contest
Around the Department
smelled the smoke...they picked up recent publicity about the Barbecue Science class offered by the ...