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public rubber

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  1. Dennis R. Heldman

    educational institutions, industry and government.  These activities include publication of the second edition ...

  2. Phosphorus (P) Nutrient Use in Ohio

    significant changes for P use in a 2020 publication, Ohio State University Extension bulletin 974 Tri-State ... (Wallingford, 1990) and those in the 1995 Tri-state recommendation publication. The 1995 P recommendation from ... this publication provided a single value on the lower end of the ranges used before 1995. The Tri-state ...

  3. Alumni Awards Call for Nominations

    individuals in four categories:  The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who have ...

  4. CFAES Multispecies Animal Learning Center (MALC)

    students, industry stakeholders, and the public in food production animals (beef cattle, sheep, poultry, and ...

  5. PENRA Award Winner!

    Congratulations to Dr. Puskas on winning the Program of Excellence in Natural Rubber Alternatives ... growth of domestic natural rubber. PENRA has 5 main research target areas! To learn more about PENRA and ...

  6. Several FABE Faculty and Staff Honored at the 2022-2023 CFAES Awards

    Natural Rubber Alternatives (PENRA)- FABE members include Katrina Cornish, Frederick Michel Jr., Alfred ... demonstration, market entry, and growth of a domestic natural rubber industry. Natural rubber is an agricultural ... clonal rubber trees grown mostly in Southeast Asia. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the fragility of ...

  7. FABE Professor elected to National Academy of Engineering

    involving engineering and technology, and by promoting a vibrant engineering profession and public ... academic career in rubber technology, developing polymers with multiple applications. She is perhaps known ... Goodyear Medal, the highest honor conferred by the American Chemical Society's Rubber Division, and ...

  8. October 2023 CFAES Connect

    the public in food production animals (beef cattle, sheep, poultry, and pigs) and horses. Button ...

  9. Relative Effectiveness of Herbicides Commonly Used to Control Woody Vegetation in Forest Stands

    expensive. This publication contains two tables that provide estimates of the relative effectiveness of ... publications 1. The evaluations are not absolutes; many factors other than species determine how effective ...

  10. Rubber Division: Meet Chemists Who Engineer Elastic Polymers Essential to Modern Life

    Rubber Division: Meet Chemists Who Engineer Elastic Polymers Essential to Modern Life Last year, ... of rubber enthusiasts eager to welcome young members. Company reps, he says, “genuinely were excited ...
