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public rubber

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  1. Local Foods Tour Series- Sourcing and Retailing Local Foods

    producers.  It also provides a public gathering space where the community can learn more about local foods ...

  2. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    evaluation and further developing their public speaking skills. Why is livestock judging important? Enhances ... decision making capabilities Oral reasons provide the framework for public speaking skills Builds ...

  3. Organic Food and Farming Education and Research Program Public Listening and Planning Session

    will hold a public listening and planning session on Nov. 9 in Wooster. Organic farmers and others are ...

  4. ‘I wanted to be able to teach environmental science to a worldwide audience’

    anywhere, anytime.”—Brian Lower Course aims to show how the planet works MOOCs are free public online ...

  5. Zika Virus: is it a threat to Ohioans?

    the public health goal will be twofold: control the mosquito population at large, and also prevent ... public health officials. The fact sheets are found under Communication Resources. The U.S. Food and Drug ... repellents, prevention, and the safety of the blood supply. Public Vector Control Efforts will depend on ...

  6. Pumpkin Field Night

    open to the public and includes refreshments. The deadline to register is Sept. 13. For more ...

  7. Wheat Field Day

    public.  The program will include a wagon tour of test plots, said Matt Davis, who manages the ...

  8. Cutting Propagation Workshop

    plants from your own cuttings on June 25. He’ll give a public  Cutting Propagation Workshop  from 9 a.m. ...

  9. Rededication Ceremony and Field Day

    5 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public. The station is at 16870 Bond Ridge Road (Township Road ...

  10. Lunch & Learn: Cover Crops in Your Garden

    Crops. The program is free and open to the public. As an added bonus to the program, with assistance from ...
