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  1. Grad Publications 2006-2009

    Torto-Alalibo, Jorunn I. B. Bos, Edgar Huitema, Zhenyu Liu and Jing Song- were co-authors in the publication ... 393-398 (Sept. 17, 2009).  The co-lead author of the publication was Sophien Kamoun (formerly at Ohio ...

  2. New publication

    Hill, Amy L., Whitehill, Justin G. A., Opiyo, Stephen O., Phelan, P. L, and Bonello, Pierluigi (2012). Nutritional attributes of Ash (Fraxinus Spp.) outer bark and phloem and their relationships to resistance against the Emarald Ash borer. Tree Physiology ...

  3. New Publication

    Shingqin, L., Opiyo, S. O., Manthey, K., Glanzer, J., Ashley, A., Courtney. T., Kyle, S., Shrivastav, M., Nickoloff, J., and Oakley, G. 2012. Distinct Roles for DNA-PK, ATM, and ATR in RPA Phosphorylation and Checkpoint Activation in Response to Replicati ...

  4. CD Wire- December 10, 2013

    BR&E program to learn from each other in a public-private partnership. Their “blended” (in-person plus ... College of Law, the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, the College of Engineering, and others. If you ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- December 2, 2013

    distributed in spring 2014. These institutional data can be used for publicizing good works, fundraising for ...

  6. CD Wire- July 3, 2012

    the public, agencies, media, and elected officials. The next issue will be Summer/Fall. ...

  7. CD Wire- May 21, 2013

    this public profile format might also enable you to better appreciate the system.  Finally, speaking of ...

  8. CD Wire- November 19, 2012

    State University will provide tips and tools for enhancing the publication of your engaged research. To ...

  9. CD Wire- October 8, 2012

    “Bridge to Somewhere” Providing Public Space for Inter-Ethnic Networking in “New” Immigrant Destinations ...

  10. CD Wire- May 30, 2012

    further develop a manuscript for publication. If possible, address these items before moving on to other ...
