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public rubber

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  1. Professor

    plastics and rubber technology in 1985, and an M. E. Sc in organic and biochemical engineering in 1977, ... development in the microelectronic, paint and rubber industries. Her present interests include the integration ... publications, including technical reports, is an inventor or co-inventor of 33 U.S. patents and applications, ...

  2. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    mesh screening, and seal the screening over the top of the containers with rubber bands. Alternatively, ...

  3. A fair kid, through and through

    outgoing, developed public speaking skills, and learned the  importance of building and cultivating ...

  4. Agricultural Rescue and Grain C.A.R.T. (Comprehensive Agricultural Rescue Trailer)

    public-private partnerships between Ohio State University (OSU) Extension, the Ohio Fire Academy, and ...

  5. Marketing and Promotion of Nutrition Incentives

    newspapers, radio, billboards, signage on public transportation, or even a television commercial. Some options ...

  6. Fall Color Change in Ohio

    Extension publication FNR-FAQ-5. Retrieved from Kramer, P. ...

  7. Courses

    Introduction to Polymer Science: A Bio-based Approach FABENG 5510   Advanced Rubber Technology ...

  8. CFAES associate dean, faculty member, and grad student earn national engineering honors

    scholarly publications, including more than 50 on topics related to teaching and learning. “I am humbled by ...

  9. Jacqueline Wilkins, Ph.D.

    public relations, and business operations and as director, Operations, OSU Extension, where she provided ... leadership for the operationalization of the mission of Extension. Jackie also has experience in the public ...

  10. The Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex

    Laboratory. Waterman is in a unique position to serve as a hub for science and public engagement related to ...
