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  1. Elena Irwin to speak at Ohio State's Stone Lab

    Environmental Sciences: Three Ways of Describing a Singular Mission.” Admission is free and open to the public ...

  2. Douglas Southgate to Speak at "Water: Science, Economics, and Policy” at the Ohio Wesleyan University

    open to the public. ...

  3. Momentive and Ohio State Students Partner for Sustainability Study

    a materiality assessment, investigate publically available sustainability information on individual companies ... Studies; Center for Resilience; John Glenn School of Public Affairs; and the President’s and Provost’s ... sustainability in the private, public or non-profit sectors. Students in the program can choose to specialize in ...

  4. Ian Sheldon Named Andersons Endowed Chair in Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy

    and outreach in the area of international trade and public policy. Past research by the program has ...

  5. Ian Sheldon Named Andersons Endowed Chair in Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy

    and outreach in the area of international trade and public policy. Past research by the program has ...

  6. Ani Katchova Elected to AAEA Executive Board

    currently serves on the Association’s Publications Committee and Government Relations Committee. “With its ...

  7. AEDE Alum Carlianne Patrick Awarded Regional Science Association International’s 2012 Dissertation Prize

    the availability of public aid to private enterprise support local employment growth? The third essay ... urban and regional economics, public finance, and economic development policy. November 14, 2012 Alumni ...

  8. Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements and Other Farmland Rights: Evidence on Price and Willingness to Supply

    the public demand to retain undeveloped land for the various services it provides. By Lawrence Libby ...

  9. Himes and Rettig Selected to Receive 2015 CFAES Alumni Awards

    receive awards from CFAES. Himes will receive a Meritorious Award, which gives public recognition to ... Active in his community, Rettig also currently serves on the school board for Napoleon, Ohio’s public ...

  10. Event Recap: The Micro Foundations of Macro Sorting Models

    this connection might mean for how economists use sorting models to value public goods, such as air ... to complementary or substitutable local public goods might affect households’ valuations for ... researchers to evaluate in more depth consumer decision making in regards to public goods, “Taken together our ...
