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  1. Ohio EPA Awards Nearly $200,000 for Sustainability Efforts on OSU Farm/Research Facility

    public's understanding of rural land use impacts and the vital role streams play in increasing water ...

  2. Using Carbon Trading to Boost Economics of Developing Countries

    John Glenn School of Public Affairs, and the College of Social and Behavioral Science, who are working ...

  3. OSU Extension Assistant Director Says Farewell, But Not Before Touting Organization's Successes

    are seeing more families crossing state lines, and public funding resources are becoming more limited. ...

  4. Researcher Seeks to Solve Tomato Shape Riddle, Develop New Varieties

    database containing all the information derived from her research, which will be available to the public ...

  5. Wayne County Farm to Become Unique 'Living Laboratory' for OARDC

    organization or public agency to monitor and enforce such restrictions. The Killbuck Watershed Land Trust and ...

  6. Variety of GMO Tests are Available to Farmers

    down when the public sees there are no negative issues resulting from the use of GMO products," ...

  7. OSU Extension to Educate Youth on ATV Safety

    safety leader. "There is no standardized public policy, no guidelines to give to parents. People buy ...

  8. Increased Farm Bill Funding Means More Conservation Results

    that $17.1 billion over the next five years may determine just how the public views the increased ...

  9. Global Warming in Your Garden? Common Plants, Bugs Reveal Important Climate Changes

    growing-season monitoring. The largest such network in North America, it consists of 35 gardens located at public ...

  10. Dry Weather May Lead to Stalk Lodging in Corn

    varying nitrate-nitrogen levels, check out the following publication: Nitrates in Dairy Rations, available ...
