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  1. Summer Wildflower Walk

    walks are free and open to the public and will be conducted on the walking paths at Lake Park. For ...

  2. Public Speaking Illustrated Talk/ Demonstrations, Cloverbud Recitals


  3. Sustainable Energy Resources

    impacting Ohioans. For the Public  Energize Ohio provides free downloadable bulletins, fact sheets, and ...

  4. On-Farm Energy Efficiency

    Additional ISU publications and educational materials focused on farm energy conservation and efficiency can ...

  5. Veggie 101

    Coshocton. The public is invited to join Tammi Rogers, OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, ...

  6. Increased CNG Fueling Stations Provide Ohio Businesses with Cost Saving Opportunities

    to two major highways, the station will be open to the public as well.  Kalmbach’s recent ... Like Kalmbach Feeds, Smith also constructed and operates its own public CNG fueling station. Proposed ... gas-powered vehicle conversions and new purchases of CNG powered vehicles to public (non-profit) entities as ...

  7. Global Climate Change and Gardening

    Coshocton County OSU Extension Office and is free and open to the public. For more information, email Tammi ...

  8. ODA Private Pesticide Applicator Test

    or apply to publicly-accessible sites. Private Applicator Tests include Core and the following ...

  9. Shale Energy Community Planning

    community leaders, organizational representatives, public officials and community residents involved in the ...

  10. Green Energy Ohio Tour 2011

    market information to the public on the first weekend in October tour to showcase the industry across the state. This ...
