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  1. Prion Test Would Allow Early Detection of Mad Cow, Other TSEs

    and public health in general, by preventing a spillover of potentially infected meat or meat products ...

  2. New Biological Control Book Brainchild of Ohio State Scientist WOOSTER, Ohio — Biocontrol agents are becoming more popular as both the public and ...

  3. Trials Help Poinsettias Get New Look for the Holidays

    giving the public a chance, perhaps, to pick the next holiday star. “Every year there are new ...

  4. Researchers Tackle Safety Issues with Leafy Greens

    the Public Interest's "Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods," due to a surprising number of ...

  5. 4-H Mentoring Projects 'Making a Huge Difference'

    at Longfellow Middle School, students are creating and producing public service announcements that ...

  6. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    gives public recognition to those men and women who have brought distinction to themselves; the College ... Meritorious Service Award is to give public recognition to non-alumni and/or alumni of the college who have ... Teacher (2004) and is a repeat recipient of the Research Productivity Award. With over 400 publications of ...

  7. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Turkey Beard? Weird! (for the Week of Oct. 19, 2008)

    charged. The Buckeye Book Fair brings Ohio authors together with the reading public and raises money for ...

  8. Deadlines Looming for Farmers Interested in Farm Bill Disaster Program "While weather-related disasters historically are not as common in Ohio as in other parts of ...

  9. Ohio Raspberries in Short Supply This Season

    publication. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn False False False False False False False False False False False False ...

  10. Ag Economist Analyzes Farm Bill at Upcoming Farm Forum

    is free and open to the public. Zulauf's discussion is part of an expert panel that will cover ...
