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Search results

  1. Tree University: Why Urban Foresters Do the Things They Do and How You Can Help

    programs manage public trees, but what can volunteers, students, and Master Gardens can do to help? Join us ...

  2. Top Ten Diseases of Backyard Poultry Virtual Class

    @ 7:00pm.  This class is free and open to the public so bring your friends and your questions.  Registration ...

  3. In the Weeds: Legal Approaches to Dealing With Noxious Weeds on Farmland

    highlight two upcoming publications for the National Agricultural Law Center: a state compilation of noxious ...

  4. In the Weeds: Legal Approaches to Dealing With Noxious Weeds on Farmland

    highlight two upcoming publications for the National Agricultural Law Center: a state compilation of noxious ...

  5. Water Quality Wednesdays (Virtual)

    Northwest Ohio. Sessions will be open to the public on the second Wednesday of the month, January through ...

  6. Water Quality Wednesdays (Virtual)

    public on the second Wednesday of the month, January through April 2021.  For more information, please ...

  7. Law adds hurdles to new solar and wind farms

    have advance notice, a public hearing, and a right to reject any proposed solar or wind development. ...

  8. Tree University: Shrubs for the Home Landscape

    a frequent writer for popular gardening magazines as well as trade publications.  Pam teaches in Ohio, ...

  9. OSU Extension Office Hours

    The OSU Extension Office reopened to the public on January 19. The office located in Marietta at ...

  10. Water Quality Wednesdays (Virtual)

    public on the second Wednesday of the month, January through April 2021.  For more information, please ...
