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  1. Ignite, Sparking Youth to Create Healthy Communities

    favorite recipes. A Toledo Public Schools as Community Hubs site was one of two sites in Ohio to be part of ... more water Toledo Public Schools Wellness Policy Recipes What types of food do we make? The following ...

  2. Suzanne Saggese

    programs. Prior to her years with OSU Extension, Suzanne’s career included teaching in public schools, small ...

  3. Ohio State plans for reactivated campuses in 2021-22

    study the latest data related to COVID-19 and public health. Ohio State will develop contingency plans ... health experts. By implementing substantial testing, monitoring, contact tracing and public health ...

  4. Grants available for on-farm research in Sustainable Agriculture

    Sustainable Agriculture, established to identify and publicize sustainable agricultural practices and systems ...

  5. Virtual exhibitors sought for COSI Science Festival

    8 with a virtual Big Science Celebration. As in years past, this event is meant to engage the public in ...

  6. Hello from Horticulture

    fulfills our obligation for a public event required by our affiliation as an All-America Selections display ...

  7. Holiday Sale

    shopping in the floral lab, so sign up NOW before the sale is promoted to the public! Sign up at ...

  8. 2022-2023 Estimated Expenses

    $29 Publication Fee ** $2   $2   ATI New Student Enrollment Fee ** (orientation) $50   $50 ...

  9. Terry Lanker's newest book

    Submitted by Kris Boone, Congrats to Terry Lanker on the publication of her newest ...

  10. Academy Funding Eligibility

    a public high school must submit an "intent to participate" form with their high school no later ... or principal for more information.  Students who attend a non-public high school or are home-schooled ...
