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  1. Direct Marketing

    a variety of methods including in-person, online, publications, and the ability to connect with our team ...

  2. Entrepreneurship Roundtable

    to network with business assistance providers (This event is free and open to the public! Please ...

  3. Dr. Hanping Wang’s new book published by Wiley-Blackwell

    control invasive species using sex control approach.   This publication provides very useful scientific ...

  4. Direct Marketing, partners collab to improve farmers market sustainability

    the 1990 “Farm Bill” [Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, Public Law 101-624, ...

  5. Communications

    producers can invest in public relations or targeted communications to gain attention from the specific ...

  6. A Cup of Coffee with Dr. Dan

    a bachelor’s degree in Zoology from Miami (OH) University and received his master’s in Science and Public ...

  7. Sex Control in Aquaculture featured on Google books

    for conservationists to control invasive species using sex control approach. This publication will ...

  8. Computer Lab

    public and business partners housed within the facility. The room contains 16 workstations running the ...

  9. Research collaboration and Extension outreach in China- one of OSU’s gateway countries

    in 2016 by the Journal of Forestry Research for publication in 2017. Gary Gao hosted Dr. Dong Qin, an ... growers in Ohio. Drs. Qin and Gao had two journal articles accepted in 2016 for publication in 2017. ...

  10. Public Speaking and 4-H

    It is no secret that most people have a great fear of public speaking.  Most people would say ... verbal communication skills are an important part of our daily lives.  I use public speaking skills each ... 4-H advisors.  With technology and gadgets today, our teens are losing the value of good public ...
