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  1. Miscanthus Being Evaluated as Potential Ohio Biomass Crop

    According to the Iowa State University publication "Miscanthus Hybrids for Biomass Production," ...

  2. Chow Line: Omega-3 fatty acids offer multiple benefits (for 2/7/10)

    Source" from the Harvard School of Public Health ( offers a great explanation ...

  3. Chow Line: No need to spend a fortune to eat right (for 10/10/10)

    School of Public Health study published online in September in the American Journal of Clinical ...

  4. Chow Line: DASH diet no fad, just healthful eating (for 9/16/07), or a single copy can be ordered for $3.50 plus shipping. It includes meal plans, recipes and ideas ...

  5. Chow Line: Choose carefully at Chinese restaurants (for 8/10/08)

    cautious. You probably saw the headlines from a 1993 report from the Center for Science in the Public ...

  6. Chow Line: Calories on menus having an effect (for 6/7/09)

    Public Health conducted before the New York City regulation was put in place revealed that only 0.1 ...

  7. Chow Line: Be smart, informed when eating out (for 5/13/07)

    difficult it can be. The poll, commissioned by the California Center for Public Health Advocacy, asked ...

  8. Ohio State receives $2.9 million NSF grant to boost K-12 science education

    of Public Affairs, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the Ohio Farm Bureau and the Ohio ... Glenn School of Public Affairs. For more information about the GK-12 grant and the Sugar Creek Watershed ...

  9. OSU Extension Plays Key Role in Solar Energy Development in Ohio

    studying the viability of such a novel enterprise, and organizing public forums. “OSU Extension has ...

  10. Communiqué May 25, 2011

    to the public. We were able to confirm that an Excel spreadsheet containing the names and social ... presentation server is designed to be available to the public (it allows faculty, students, and others to view ... was removed from the server, and we verified that the data is no longer accessible by the public. This ...
