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  1. Darren Drewry receives ORAU Powe Award

    priorities to serve the public interest. The award grants seed funding for research and professional growth ...

  2. Wildlife: Guest or Pest Part 2

    She works to provide a variety of educational programs, workshops, conferences, and publications ...

  3. myPostdoc Monthly: Did They Really Just Say That?! Responding to Bias at Work

    (they/them/theirs) is the coordinator of public engagement for the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and ... publication and a co-creator of the Implicit Bias Module Series online learning platform. A trained intergroup ... with a Master of Education and a Master of Public Administration. They also hold a Bachelor of Arts in ...

  4. Backyard Vegetable Gardening Part 2- Tomatoes & Peppers

    program will be open to the public at not cost. It will feature approximately thirty minutes of planned ...

  5. FABE Leads Record Number of Undergrad Engineering Specialties Ranked by US News

    Overall, Ohio State’s undergraduate engineering program again ranks first in Ohio, and 16th among public ... universities nationwide. Among both public and private institutions, Ohio State’s College of Engineering ranks ... rankings, at 25th, 27th and 33rd, respectively. The  publication’s rankings of undergrad engineering ...

  6. Backyard Vegetable Gardening Part 1- Getting Started

    open to the public at no cost. It will feature approximately thirty minutes of planned discussion, then ...

  7. Critical Impact: Latinx Identity in 2020

    education, nonprofit management, government administration, and public and private sector consulting. Sonia ...

  8. CFAES & FABE 2021 Distinguished Seniors

    joined the Andre Palmer Artificial Blood Research Lab. Her hard work led to her publication as the lead ...

  9. The Second Pandemic: Understanding and Challenging the Rise in Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of COVID-19

    not the first time a public health crisis has been conflated with pre-existing bias, and it has been ...

  10. Women's Month Night Market at OSU

    discussions throughout the evening. This event is FREE and open to the public. Contact Courtney Clark at  ...
