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  1. Upcoming Western Lake Erie Basin Conservation Practices Public Input Meeting

    Join OSU Extension’s Water Quality Associates on Tuesday, February 22 nd from 10-11AM for a public ...

  2. Why Should You Calibrate Your Sprayer Even If it has a Rate Controller?

    publication FABE-520 for an easy method to calibrate a boom-type sprayer.  Here is the URL for this ... publication: http://       Drift; spray; pesticide application ...

  3. Warner On-Farm Research Proposals Being Accepted

    consumption.  Research is intended to identify and publicize sustainable agricultural practices and systems that ...

  4. CTTC Update – Masks Optional, Early Bird Registration Through March 1

    University has indicated that masks are now optional in public indoor spaces on the ONU campus which includes ...

  5. Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Preparation

    Registration includes the publications below, lunch both days, and other program materials. Class size is ... limited to 25, and registration closes on December 20, 2021. Publications provided with the in-person ... February 15, 2022. The cost for the online course is $155/person. Publications are not included but can be ...

  6. Upcoming Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Preparation Class

    includes the publications listed below, lunch both days, and other program materials. Don’t wait to ... register as class size is limited to 25, and registration closes on December 20, 2021. Publications ...

  7. Spray Drift: A Serious Problem You Can Manage

    to factors influencing spray drift, is in OSU Extension publication FABE-525. “Effect of Major ...

  8. Common-sense practices for effective spraying of pesticides

    and rubber gloves, and respirators if required on the label, when calibrating the sprayer, doing the ... season, I highly recommend you check two OSU extension publications for detailed discussions on the topics ...

  9. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training and Testing Option

    manual is available in print and electronic format for Ohio State University Extension Publication ...

  10. Becoming a Certified Crop Adviser and Exam Prep Options

    February 15, 2022. Purchase of suggested publications is optional. To register and make the secure online ... publications, instruction, and two lunches. Course registration is limited to 25 participants. Ohio AgriBusiness ...
