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  1. Samson Girma

    Samson Girma Fellow Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) Samson Girma is an ... expert in the field of public health microbiology and has extensive experience and training in laboratory ... diagnostic, food, and drinking water microbiology at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Food and Nutrition ...

  2. OSU Extension Office Hours

    The OSU Extension Office reopened to the public on January 19. The office located in Marietta at ...

  3. CDC and FDA Are Investigating Several Multistate Outbreaks of E. coli Infections

    CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and the U.S. Food and Drug ...

  4. Living Landscape Speaker Series

    conferences, and publications centered on wildlife ecology and biology, habitat management for wildlife, and ...

  5. Growing and Enjoying Lilacs in Central Ohio Webinar

    Flowers and Perfume Public Collections and Festivals to Visit Well-Known Lilacs This event is sponsored by ...

  6. Office Opening: Monday, February 15, 2021

    following University, public health and the Governor's orders. This may require our office to close on ...

  7. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety Webinar: Food Safety and One Health: Approaches to Reducing Foodborne Pathogens and Zoonotic Diseases

    Human and animal health are tightly linked: Foodborne pathogens and parasites are persistent public ...

  8. Updates on Diseases and Prevention Strategies for Ticks

    Tim McDermott will talk to us about ticks. Tick-vectored diseases are a public health threat that ... and many county and regional public health departments in Ohio. ...

  9. Friends of Secrest Arboretum Plant Sale

    safe and contact-free. The public sale will run from September 25 at 3:00pm to Friday, October 9   at ...

  10. 2020 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    public and $50 for Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers. REGISTRATION:  Space ...
