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  1. Farm Income Enhancement Program studies financial performance of Ohio Farms Ohio Farm Finances Ohio farms had better financial performance in 2020 in terms of profitability ... Joleen Hadrich: ... ...

  2. Ohio State’s STEAM Factory Receives NSF Funding to Advance Informal STEM Learning

    and effectively communicate science to public audiences of all ages and evaluate learning outcomes in ... Environmental and Development Economics. “The need for public interactions with new and cutting-edge research, ... Engineering Education, added that a primary function of public institutions for higher education is to create ...

  3. AEDE welcomes Assistant Professor Yao Wang

    development economics. Wang's current research focuses on the impact of public transit on congestion an ...

  4. Nicole Arnold

    Nutrition Science at East Carolina University, while also supporting ECU's Department of Public Health. ...

  5. Publication: Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Lactococcus lactis Strains against Salmonella Typhimurium DT12, Escherichia coli O157:H7 VT and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Raw and Pasteurized Camel Milk

    A summary of the publication on Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Lactococcus lactis Strains against ...

  6. Roadway Transport Safety of Anhydrous Ammonia Tanks

    protect the transporter and the public. Operator Age—Individuals transporting anhydrous ammonia must be 21 ... traveling on the Ohio public roadways is 25 mph and a SMV emblem must be displayed.  (Ohio Administrative ... rubber gloves and either a full-face gas mask, a pair of tight-fitting goggles, or one full face shield. ...

  7. Finding the missing dots: An update on Ohio broadband policy

    onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, as the public  health crisis sent shockwaves through our daily lives and ... decades to come.  This accelerated digital revolution requires massive amounts of public funding to ... grants  for public-private partnerships. Facilitation of these funds has eased greatly because of the  ...

  8. Two approaches to reduce food waste: Lessons learned from US EPA sustainable materials management projects in Ohio

    community, save money and improve public health. In this webinar groups funded via US EPA’s Sustainable ...

  9. Food is Health: My Path to Nutrition and Public Health

    By: Samantha Cochrane Food has always been a major part of my life. Like many people, some of my first memories involve the foods I was eating in those moments. From enjoying piles of oven-baked dinosaur chicken nuggets and tater tots at home, to spending ...

  10. Stakeholder-Centered Risk Ranking Workshop Builds Consensus and Sets Priorities for Food Safety Research in Kenyan Poultry

    designed to help decision-makers rank the public health risk posed by foodborne hazards in their countries. ... of food science and technology at The Ohio State University. “We rank the risks based on public ...
