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  1. Environment & Natural Resources

    science education, as well as public policy and administration. Facilities Ohio State ATI laboratories are ...

  2. Time to Act on Climate Change: April 20, 2022

    this free public event in-person at the Ohio Union’s US Bank Conference Theater in Columbus or ...

  3. Increasing our Vaccination Rate

    vaccination rate. To support our public health efforts, we are asking students, faculty and staff to ... emphasize the importance of good data to inform our public health response: Faculty and staff can report ...

  4. Restoring Streams and Wetlands – Whose Job Is It Anyway?

    for the office, utilizing her extensive legal experience from both the private and public sectors. ...

  5. Applications open for 2021 Engagement Impact Grants

    or exhibits; development of a public policy document or report; or support for team to develop ... a grant proposal or finalize a manuscript for publication submission. The application deadline is  April ...

  6. Burpees for Vets challenge

    recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity as described in the Internal Revenue Code Sections 501(c)(3), ...

  7. COVID response updates

    planners, coordinators and public health advisors may have. We will also relax restrictions on food and ...

  8. Sara Mastellar elected to NAEAA Executive Committee

    representing individuals from public and private institutions and the equine industry that strive to educate ...

  9. Building hope in a space and movement where change feels unlikely

    of the democracy, water, energy, and public lands programs. Téllez brings to the OEC a drive to ...

  10. The Limits to Growth, Revisited

    public infrastructure improvements and urban revitalization, to single- and multi-family developments, to ... leadership in both the public and private sectors in a diverse array of markets.   Sandy lends her talent and ... of Corporate Partnerships.  During 17 years with the nonprofit, Josh helped raise public and private ...
