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  1. Chow Line: Don't alter recipes for home canning (for 4/20/08)

    of Georgia's "So Easy to Preserve," an $18, 375-page publication that incorporates the ...

  2. Federal Hearing First Stage in Future of Milk Revenues

    producers.   A U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Services public hearing has been ... still pooled was $21.3 million. "The public hearing is designed to introduce proposals to amend ...

  3. Farm Science Review program to discuss animal/human disease transmission

    Veterinary Public Health Program within Ohio State University's College of Veterinary Medicine.  “The ...

  4. Cleveland, Similar Cities Could Produce Most of Their Energy: Ohio State Study

    developments: Cleveland Public Power's 20 MW Municipal Solid Waste to Energy facility and Lake Erie ...

  5. Fredrick W. Ives

    "The Ohio Farm" and "Farm and Fireside." He was noted for his practical publication such ...

  6. Chow Line: Fish from open Gulf areas safe, for now (for 7/25/10)

    chain. The CDC and other agencies monitoring the situation will notify the public if harmful levels of ...

  7. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Oak from Acorn? A-OK! (for the Week of Sept. 6, 2009)

    State's "Growing Your Own Oak Seedlings" at ...

  8. Ohio State Soil Scientist Receives Prestigious Award

    distinguished awards and has authored, reviewed and edited over 1,000 publications and journal articles ...

  9. Food Scientist Uses High Pressure to Keep Food Safe-- for a Long, Long Time

    (PATS) of Low-Acid, Shelf-Stable Foods," in the current issue of Resource, a publication of the ...

  10. New Ohio Master Gardener Coordinator Appointed

    counties, and the various horticulture programs targeted to the public, such as plant clinics, gardening ...
