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  1. 2000's

    4-H club to  "active public service" as volunteers in 4-H and many other local ...

  2. 4-H project judging – a different year

    skills, practiced public speaking, and adapted to an ever-changing environment. And that is what 4-H is ...

  3. Calendar of Events

    symptoms.  Event held at student union, 2 nd floor, Eisenhower, at OSU Mansfield and is open to the public ...

  4. Calendar of Events

    public, but registration is required. July 9 & 10 – Plant Empowerment Workshop (Online) – 10 a.m. to ...

  5. National Service Learning Virtual Conference

    Charles Parish Public Schools to bring you the 31 st  Annual National Service-Learning Conference, April ...

  6. Calendar of Events

    to plant now and what is happening with this weather.  This is a free and open to the public class, ...

  7. Calendar of Events

    2 p.m. Free and open to the public. Click here for more information. November 17 –  4-H Pumpkin Party at ...

  8. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    public speaking. Those skills directly translated to her experiences while a student at the University of ...

  9. 4-H Youth Represents Ohio on National 4-H Congress Design Team

    Carson shared about the experience: Throughout Congress I led events, spoke publicly, took pictures of ... my experience in 4-H.  I was able to use my leadership and public speaking skills at the national ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Conference Volunteer Award Winners

    members completed projects, created a fair booth display and practiced their public speaking skills at the ...
